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1 Las Ligas Ladies Las Ligas Ladies 13 8 2 3 +1 57:47 10 27
2 Beton Berlin Beton Berlin 12 8 1 3 +1 62:35 27 26
3 Gönrgy Allstars Gönrgy Allstars 13 8 1 4 +1 66:47 19 26
4 FC Nitro FC Nitro 12 7 2 3 +1 52:47 5 24
5 Golden XI Golden XI 11 6 2 3 +0 44:43 1 20
6 Käfigtiger Käfigtiger 11 6 1 4 +1 45:46 -1 20
7 Calcio Berlin Calcio Berlin 11 4 4 3 +1 40:41 -1 17
8 Eintracht Spandau Eintracht Spandau 11 4 3 4 +1 49:49 0 16
9 Hollywood United Hollywood United 11 3 1 7 +1 43:54 -11 11
10 VFR Zimbos VFR Zimbos 11 2 1 8 +2 47:63 -16 9
11 Streets United Streets United 11 2 1 8 +0 40:57 -17 7
12 Protatos Protatos 11 1 1 9 +0 35:51 -16 4

A new era of football

A new era of football

A new era of football

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