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Terms of participation


Baller League International Limited (company registration number 16013722) (the “Organiser”) organises and operates the Baller League in the UK, a small-sided football competition streamed on social media channels] (“Baller League”). As part of the application process for players to participate in the 2025 inaugural season of Baller League, you may be invited to take part in a player scouting combine at which you and other applicants will be assessed for the purposes of selecting the final players who will represent the teams in Baller League (the “Combine”).

These terms of participation (“Terms”) record the terms and conditions on which, if selected, you agree to participate in the Combine. By confirming your acceptance of these Terms, you agree to be bound by these Terms if you accept an invitation to participate in the Combine and you accept all risks that may arise in attending and participating in the Combine. Nothing in these Terms confers any obligation on the Organiser to invite you to participate in the Combine, selection for which shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser.


Combine DetailsDate: (14-15.12.2024) or (11-12.01.2025) or (18-19.01.2025)
Time: Session1: 10:30 - 14:00 or Session 2: 14:30 -18:00
City: London or Manchester

You must register for the Combine at on the Baller League UK landing page using the following link:

You are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate registration information and you may be disqualified from participating in the Combine if you are found to have provided false or misleading information during the registration process.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to participate in the Combine, you must satisfy the following criteria:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older on the date of the Combine
  • You must complete the registration process using the online application form above (see ‘Registration’)
  • You must have confirmed your acceptance of these Terms
  • You must satisfy the ‘Health and Fitness Requirements’ below
  • You must provide valid photo ID for identity verification (which may be in the form of a passport or driving licence or other form of identification which the Organiser may accept or reject at its discretion). 
Assessment Details

The Organiser will assess your skills and suitability for Baller League during the Combine based on a variety of tests and activities. These may include, but are not limited to, tests relating to:

  • Physical and technical skills, including: acceleration, agility, dribbling, jumping (vertical and horizontal), shot power and precision, passing and ball control
  • For goalkeepers, reactions and defence
  • In-match performance, including via “5v5” format games.

You will be provided with a numbered jersey to wear during the Combine, which must be returned immediately after the Combine or a £30 fee will apply.

You are responsible for providing all other appropriate sportswear and footwear to participate in the event, which will be notified to you in advance of the event, including without limitation football boots (without metal studs), shorts, socks, and any outerwear. Appropriate sportswear and footwear must be worn throughout the Combine. 

Costs and ExpensesYou shall be solely responsible for all of your own costs in participating in the event, including travel, accommodation and any meals or refreshments.
No Accompanying PersonsOnly you as the participating player may attend the Combine and you may not bring any companions, including any family members, friends or pets.
Photography, Filming, and Media Rights

By agreeing to these Terms and participating in the Combine, you agree that the Organiser shall be permitted to take or capture photography and/or video footage of you during the Combine (including any interviews which you may be required to give), which shall, together with any footage of yourself you share with the Organiser as part of the application process (such as highlight reels or video packages), be collectively referred to as the "Content".

The Organiser may stream, broadcast and/or transmit the Content live and on-demand via any and all media, including without limitation Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, X and TikTok. The Organiser may also use the Content in marketing campaigns to promote Baller League (or any other version of Baller League outside of the UK) during the Combine and for historic references after the Combine.

You hereby agree to assign to the Organiser, to the extent possible, all existing and future rights (including without limitation copyright and performers' property rights) in the Content and all consents necessary to enable the Organiser to make the fullest use of the Content worldwide in any and all media. You agree that you will not be entitled to any payment in connection with the creation or use of the Content. You further agree that the Organiser shall be entitled to edit, copy, add to, adapt or translate the Content, and dub it into foreign languages, at its discretion.


You may be disqualified from participating in the Combine, whether before or during the Combine, if you:

  • Provide false or misleading information during the application and registration process
  • Breach any of these Terms
  • Ignore or breach any rules of the Combine, or the instructions of any of its staff
  • Ignore or breach any rules, requirements or conditions of the venue of the Combine
  • Are abusive in any way to any staff working at the Combine or the venue, including using foul and abusive language
  • Behave in an unsporting manner
  • Are physically unfit in such a way that you are unable to meaningfully participate in the Combine
  • Fail to complete any required tests during the Combine
  • Act or behave in any other way which causes, or is likely to cause: (a) distress, danger, disturbance or annoyance to any other participants or any third party; (b) damage to property; or (c) any delay or disruption to the Combine.

If you disqualified from the Combine, you will be required to leave the venue immediately and you will not be allowed to return. No refunds for unused or lost transport or any other arrangements will be made, and the Organiser shall not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of you being asked to leave the Combine. 

If you do not attend the event after confirming your participation by agreeing to these Terms, you shall be excluded from eligibility to participate in Baller League during the upcoming season to which the Combine relates.

Health and Fitness Requirements

By agreeing to these Terms, you confirm that you are medically fit to participate in the Combine.

You must also satisfy the following health and fitness requirements:

  • You must complete a pre-event health check to the Organiser’s satisfaction
  • You must confirm your physical fitness with a PAPS-Test (free online health screening) or such other form of testing or verification which the Organiser may approve in its discretion
  • You must be free of all contagious or infectious illnesses. If required by the UK government or other authorities at the time of the Combine, a COVID-19 or other applicable test must be competed at your expense
  • You must notify the Organiser if any of the medical information you have provided to the Organiser changes or if you are no longer medically fit to participate in the Combine.

You are responsible for obtaining adequate health insurance to cover your participation in the Combine. 

Risk and WaiverYou acknowledge that your participation in the Combine will involve playing contact sport which has an inherent risk of personal injury. You acknowledge that you are participating or attending the Combine at your own risk and you hereby release and forever discharge the Organiser (and any of its subsidiaries and affiliates) from any claims and liabilities whatsoever, to the fullest extent permitted by law, as a result of your participation in the Combine, other than any death or personal injury caused by the Organiser’s negligence.
Personal BelongingsYou shall be solely responsible for any personal property or belongings that you bring with you to the Combine. The Organiser hereby excludes any liability for loss or damage howsoever caused to any such personal property or belongings.
Changes to the Combine and Cancellation

The Organiser reserves the right to make changes to the Combine arrangements, which may include changes to the venue, date or time.

The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Combine if one or more events beyond its reasonable control occur, including (but not limited to):

  • Flooding or other weather conditions making it impossible to travel safely to the venue or remain at the venue
  • Unavoidable technical problems; and/or
  • All other events outside of the Organiser’s control

(together “Events Beyond Control”).

The Organiser will not be liable for any loss, damage, expense, cost or other claim of any description if it results from the occurrence of Events Beyond Control.

If you are forced to alter your travel or return home early as a result of a change to, or cancellation of, the Combine, the Organiser will not refund the cost of any unused travel or accommodation arrangements and will not be liable to pay you any form of compensation.

Selection and withdrawalYou will be notified by latest 15.02.2025 if you have been selected to advance to the Draft Day (provisionally set for 24.02.2025).
You may withdraw from the Combine at any time, in which case you shall be excluded from eligibility to participate in Baller League during the upcoming season to which the Combine relates
No AssignmentYou may not assign or transfer your rights and obligations contained within these Terms to any other person.
Data ProtectionThe Organiser’s Data Protection Policy shall apply in connection with your participation in the Combine, which is available here: Data protection (link)
Governing Law and JurisdictionThese Terms, and any related non-contractual obligations, are subject to the laws of England and Wales. Any proceedings arising out of or in respect of these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


A new era of football

A new era of football

A new era of football

Baller League Baller League


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